Ms. Deborah Zhou

周瑩老師畢業於華南師範大學. 其後留校任教超過10年以上. 任教之後轉任廣州中醫藥圖書館館長助理兼講師. 周瑩老師精於中文教學, 按照學生背景及需要, 能以國, 粵,英三種語言授課。她集中教授漢語拼音、聽、讀、寫、並注重學術訓練語言溝通和文化知識結合。以多樣化嘅課程設置提高學生嘅學習興趣和漢語能力。

Ms Deborah Zhou graduated from South China Teacher University. With over 12 years lecturing at South China University and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ms Zhou is passionate in Chinese teaching

Based on Students’ age and levels, she focuses in Teaching Pinyin, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Ms Zhou also integrates with Academic training, conversations and cultural learning. With systematic and interesting topics in order to engage students Learning interest, Ms Deborah can guide them for further Chinese cultural learning.